Early Analog Adventures

How I got into 35mm film photography

I was introduced to film photography in high school at the age of 14. I learned about everything from f-stops to how to develop my own film. I felt it was a magical process and loved developing my photos in the darkroom. I didn’t have my own camera and my high school only offered one film course so I learned digital photography for the rest of high school.

Some photos I took during my freshman year film class:

For graduation, my dad gifted me my very first film camera. I dabbled back into film a little during college but even more so after school when I started traveling.

I love traveling with a film camera because film captures a certain spirit of a place that a digital cameras cannot. Plus, nothing beats the excitement of waiting to develop your photos!

For me, film has also been a great teacher in how to stay present because when you’re working with film there is always the chance that your photos won’t come out. But knowing that it is possible (and not uncommon) helps me not to be too precious with my process.

see more

of my more recent film photography here


Italy: 2015 Study Abroad